Bert Breen's Barn Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He and Tom discussed what Tom ought to do about flooring the stable. Tom wanted to lay down a cement floor, but Birdy persuaded him that that would take too long. 

"You ought to get your critters out of that shed," he pointed out. "It's going to start getting winter cold before long, Tom."

Tom couldn't deny that.

"I think you ought to bring the old flooring down from Breen's," Birdy went on. "When you've got the stanchels up again and built a stall for Drew, then you ought to get that haystack inside the mow. You can work at making your cement floor all during the winter, laying a section at a time."

It made sense. (57. 4-8)

Don't get too cocky there, Tom. Though Tom has learned a lot throughout the book, he continues learning things from Birdy all the way through. Tom wants to put a new cement floor in right away because he has admired the floor in his neighbor's barn, but Birdy slows him down and reminds him to be practical. But don't think Birdy is a total party-pooper: later on, Birdy teaches Tom how he can run water pipes into the barn, which will make mixing the cement easier too.