Bert Breen's Barn Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"But I don't see why tonight," she protested. "When we are practically wore out."

"That's why," he answered. "The Flanchers were here nosing around. Yantis begun asking Ox and Mr. Massey why we hadn't brought down the floor for the stable. Yantis may get a notion why I left it. But he wouldn't think of our going up there tonight any more than you did."

Both Polly Ann and Tom have been working nonstop preparing for the barn-raising. You'd think that once it's done they'd be ready to face-plant on bed. But Tom decides this is the night to go up to the Breen place and look for the money under the old barn floor, and they hit the jackpot. Are they just lucky to find the money, or can we interpret this as the book's nod to the rewards of perseverance?