Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Blood Red Road? Put your knowledge to
the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Miz Pinch keep Saba under control?
By threatening Emmi
By torturing her
By withholding food
By playing the Spice Girls non-stop
Q. Which of the following characters does not submit to Miz Pinch's authority?
Rooster Pinch
The King
The Cage Master
Q. How does Miz Pinch die?
Saba kills her.
Rooster throws her off a building.
The Desert Swan crashes.
She loves the new Justin Bieber song too much.
Q. What does DeMalo do at the end of the novel?
He kills Ike.
He kidnaps Emmi.
He does the nae nae.
He runs away.
Q. How does the King control the people of Hopetown?
By holding public executions
By getting everyone addicted to chaal
By offering bribes
By throwing killer parties