How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Everythin's to do with chaal, she says. An the Tonton's right in the middle of it. (7.36)
Although Maev doesn't know where the chaal comes from, she knows that it supplies the Tonton with everything they need to retain their dominance. Even worse, it's helping them actually extend their reach.
Quote #8
A big waterwagon 'ud come around twice a day, once in the mornin an once in the afternoon, an fill everybody's waterskins. There's chaal in that water. (8.790)
In case it isn't clear, this passage states that the King drugs slaves with chaal in order to make them more subservient when actually harvesting the chaal. That's a grody piece of business, isn't it? If the King had his way, he'd get the entire planet hooked on the stuff if it bought him another "King From Throughout History" cosplay outfit.
Quote #9
It's a land of plenty. Lush an beautiful. Like Pa told us it used to be back in Wrecker times. Paradise, he called it. (9.128)
The irony, of course, is that "paradise" has been subverted to supply the world with chaal. Think about how many people could live in this lush valley, or how much food could be grown there. It's such a waste.