Boy Meets Boy Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I do not stop to listen, but instead work it into my canvas. My flights of color are meeting his dancer somewhere in the middle of the room. We do not need to speak to be aware of each other's presence. (8.100)

The last sentence is generally true anytime you're with your mega-crush, but the fact that Paul's found an alternate way to communicate with Noah right off the bat is pretty sweet. It's sort of like his made-up twin language with Tony.

Quote #5

Chuck asks me about movies, because Joni must have told him I like movies. But he only asks me about the movies he's seen, so he can give his own opinion. Opinions like, "That helicopter chase was intense" and "She can't act, but she sure is a babe." (9.61)

In contrast to Noah, Chuck is perhaps the least artful person ever—it's safe to say he and Joni aren't spending the weekends watching Bergman films. Old football footage seems more up his alley.

Quote #6

Noah and I start to talk about our favorite books and our favorite paintings – sharing our Indicators, hoping the other person will appreciate them as much. (10.64)

Our artistic preferences are a kind of shorthand for who we are. They help us condense our life stories into a sensory language; a series of packages to hand over to those we want to love us.