Boy Meets Boy Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The colors come first. Red. Orange. Aquamarine. Flashes of solid color, like origami paper lit by television light. After going through colors, I picture patterns—stripes, slants, dots. Sometimes I pass through an image in a split second. Others I hold on to. I pause on the way to Elsewhere. And then I'm there. (16.4)

Paul uses colors and images to take him away from reality and to Elsewhere, his meditative world. He uses music as an image-making tool in much the same way Noah does, but without painting it.

Quote #8

This isn't Elsewhere; this is Somewhere. I try to switch back to colors and patterns, but all of them now come from Noah's brush.

Seeing the world through Noah's eyes has made it impossible for Paul to see things the way he did before. That's what good art—and love—tend to do.

Quote #9

He's changed the perspective—it's now a portrait looking slightly down. The candlelight makes her expression waver; her lines blur. The thing that strikes me the most is the portrait's silence. (22.94)

Dig it: Kyle can draw too. Paul loves him the artsy boys. Note that when Kyle tries to communicate through art, Paul no longer feels the electricity that he feels with Noah. Instead all he feels is silence.