Boy Meets Boy Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was going to be his friend, and I was going to show him the possibilities. And he, in turn, would become someone I could trust even more than myself. (6.46)

How does becoming someone's friend lead to trusting them more than you trust yourself? Is it possible to feel this way—to want such a thing—if you have true self-esteem?

Quote #5

It's only after you get to know her better that you realize that somehow she's managed to encompass all her friends within her own self-image, so that when she's acting full of herself, she's actually full of her close friends, too. (7.46)

Hmm—we're not so convinced about this one. What's the difference between "encompass" and "consume"? Is Infinite Darlene's personality so big it consumed not only Daryl, but everyone else in its path? Can Infinite Darlene be friends with someone she can't consume?

Quote #6

She appeals to the part of me that yearns for instant time travel—a trip to the not-so-long-ago, when Tony, Joni and I were a band of three. (13.25)

The entirety of Boy Meets Boy takes place in just a few weeks. The rise and fall of teenage romantic relationships and friendships is often as accelerated as teenage growth itself. If your life, like Paul's, seems like constant, fast-paced drama, it's just your external circumstances keeping up with the internal ones.