Boy Meets Boy Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I know Kyle will not ask anything else of me. I know I have taken some of his freak-out and made it my own. (15.31)

Instead of consuming/encompassing Kyle's identity, Paul consumed/encompassed his problem. Perhaps true friendship comes from considered rather than across-the-board consumption.

Quote #8

"You think you're such a good friend, don't you?" she snarks. "Is that why Tony's grounded and Infinite Darlene can make you do her dirty work?" (15.125)

As if Paul had no reservations about Chuck before Infinite Darlene got involved.

Quote #9

"I hate the phrase 'more than friends'," Joni told me one night not long ago. We were bundled on her couch, flipping to strange channels. "It's such nonsense. When I'm going out with someone, we're not 'more than friends'—most of the time, we're not even friends. 'More than friends' makes no sense. Look at us. There's nothing more than us." (19.29)

Joni's romantic problems are probably due to the fact that she doesn't consider her boyfriends to be her friends and that she doesn't take time to develop friendship before a relationship.