Bronx Masquerade Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The brotha's right. I look around this class and nobody I see fits into the box I used to put them in. Startin' with Mr. Ward. I figured him for a lightweight do-gooder who would last about five minutes in this neighborhood. But he stuck, and he got this poetry thing going. He even reads his own stuff sometimes. He's okay.

Devon's okay too. I don't know how bright the other jocks are, but there's nothing dumb about this brotha. Mr. Ward says you have to take people one at a time, check out what's in their head and heart before you judge. (43.1-2)

Yup, no one is as Tyrone thought they were. He even had their teacher pegged as some do-gooder who would quit on them, but Mr. Ward is transforming before Tyrone's eyes. This educator is here for the long haul.

Quote #5

Judianne's right. There's something wrong with that girl. Hey, lots of peeps change their names, I ain't got no problem with that. Some have to, the names their folks gave them are such dogs. But that girl sound like she wants to change her race. What's that about? She feeling guilty 'cause her family's got it good? I don't get it, but I'm gonna leave that one alone. (55.2)

Sheila doesn't feel like she fits in anywhere so her solution is to change who she is. The other kids in class aren't so sure, though. You can't really change your race, after all…

Quote #6

The world ain't but one big surprise after another. Just look at Raynard. Or look at Steve. That white boy got more up his sleeve than anyone would guess. I ain't lying. (61.1)

Tyrone used to look at Steve and see just a white kid with blonde hair who he would never hang out with. But he comes to find out that Steve actually grew up in the same neighborhood as him and likes rap music, too. Heck, he even raps (almost as good as Tyrone). Way to keep an open mind, Tyrone.