Bud, Not Buddy Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I got ready to say, "My name's not Clarence and please don't choke me, sir, I'll leave," but as soon as I opened my mouth he gave my head a shake and said, "I told you to hurry back, now where you been?" He gave me a shove and said, "Get back in line with your momma." (6.18)

So Bud's plan to lie didn't pan out, but his fake daddy's sure did. It sure seems like deceit was one tool many people had to use during such a hard time. We certainly don't blame that guy for helping Bud out. Maybe Bud's got the right idea, after all.

Quote #5

Bugs said, "One of us has got to talk to them, let's flip for it." "OK." […] "Heads I win, tails you lose." "OK." […] Bugs said, "Tails. You lose." "Dang! So what should I say?"

Bud's new buddy Bugs is just as much of a liar as Bud is. Besides rigging the game in his favor (Bud will lose no matter what the penny says), he also doesn't even show Bud the outcome. Shmoopsters: that is no way to play a game.

Quote #6

"My mother died four years ago."

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's OK, she didn't suffer or nothing."


Deza said, "No it's not, and you should quit pretending that it is."

We aren't lying when we say that Deza is an awesome friend to Bud. She is no one's fool, and she expects people to be upfront and honest, just like she is. Will she help Bud get real with himself? Why is she able to be so honest when Bud and others have to lie to get anywhere?