Miss Thomas Timeline and Summary


Miss Thomas Timeline and Summary

  • At the Sweet Pea, Miss Thomas waits for the band. When she meets Bud, she begins asking him questions right away, but nicely.
  • When Bud points at Calloway and calls him his father, Miss Thomas scolds him for being rude.
  • Bud sits next to Miss Thomas, and she orders him food. After Bud finishes eating, he notices how beautiful Miss Thomas is and how much she moves her hands when she talks. On her fingers are lots of diamond rings that glitter in the light.
  • Bud also says that Miss Thomas is an amazing singer and even her humming is magical.
  • Once Bud begins to cry, Miss Thomas rubs his and comforts him.
  • Miss Thomas decides he is coming home with them to Calloway's house.
  • Miss Thomas shows Bud his room and answers his questions.
  • Mr. Calloway threatens Bud and Miss Thomas kindly welcomes Bud and chastises Herman.
  • In the middle of the night, Miss Thomas takes Bud's clothes off and folds them just like his mother used to.
  • In the morning, Bud overhears Miss Thomas talking to Calloway and telling him that Bud is staying with them for a while, period.
  • Bud comes into the kitchen and Calloway leaves. Typical. Miss Thomas breaks it all down to Bud and lets him know he can stay but has to work. She also asks him to have patience with Herman.
  • When the rest of the band come in, and begin their ritual of naming the newest member, Miss Thomas leaves because she isn't interested in "one of those man things" so she checks on the car.
  • Bud travels with the band to a show and watches Miss Thomas sing beautifully.
  • After Bud shows Calloway his rocks and people are shaken up over the news, Miss Thomas and Mr. Jimmy sit with Bud at the kitchen table asking questions about his mother.
  • Bud brings a photo of his mother and they explain to Bud about Herman's relationship with Angela and how she left.
  • Miss Thomas gives Bud a photo of his mother when she was a teenager. His mother looks the way Bud remembers her from his early childhood.
  • Miss Thomas explains how much Calloway loved his daughter and why he picked up the rocks.
  • Miss Thomas goes to check on Herman and is choked up.