Bullyville Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

All the teachers and administrators at my old middle school drove crappy little Toyotas or (if they had families) minivans, mostly because that was what they could afford […]. (3.1)

When Bart sees Dr. Bratton, the head of Baileywell, get out of his Yukon, he knows they're not in Kansas anymore.

Quote #5

Something about Dr. Bratton made it seem as if he was a messenger bringing news from a shinier, more luxurious world. (3.1)

Something… something… what could it be? Oh yeah, it's probably that Yukon.

Quote #6

Meanwhile, I kept thinking that everything anyone read made my richest friends at Hillbrook sound like poor people! (4.86)

In Bart's first class at his new school, the kids describe their Donald Trump-level vacations, which include an African safari and sailing on a yacht. Welcome to Baileywell, kid.