How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
He's surprised by how loudly a secret can ring in your head. I killed him. It's not just a secret, though. He knows this. It's murder. (2.3)
Keeping a secret to yourself can make you anxious. Now imagine the secret being murder. Oh yeah, that'll make you go nuts.
Quote #2
I killed him, Partridge wants to say. I killed him, and you should thank me for it. (4.14)
Yeah, sometimes keeping the truth hidden can be a good idea.
Quote #3
He'll force Hoppes' hand. One truth at a time […] until there's just one truth left—that he killed his father. He'll on to that one. (4.90)
Here's Partridge's main flaw; his plan is to expose the truth. But he doesn't expose the whole truth. If he wanted the truth to win out, he would have to own up to killing his father.