How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
She lifts the doll head. Who would she be without it? More herself or less? (13.59)
Our answer: much, much less. Pressia's been struggling with the whole doll head issue for all three books now, and we can't help but agree with Bradwell when he says it's part of her. Scars are physical reminders of where are person came from in this trilogy—without the doll head, Pressia wouldn't be Pressia.
Quote #2
She doesn't really even know who she is. Neither does Bradwell. Does anyone? (13.60)
Pressia struggles with identity problems, even though she might seem like she's sure of herself. She seems to think that Bradwell doesn't know who he is — but Bradwell has a pretty firm grasp on reality.
Quote #3
He's not sure who exactly he's supposed to be. He feels like a fraud. He knows he'll give himself over to this lie. (14.26)
Partridge isn't cut out to be a leader, and he starts to realize that pretty quickly. But since he is the leader, regardless of whether he's suited for it or not, he should at least try to be a little optimistic. You don't want your president feeling like a fraud.