Clarissa Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

My cousin Morden was one of those who was so earnest in his prayers for my recovery, at nine and eleven years of age, as you mention (377.8)

Looks like Morden was always the pious type. Who would have thought that he'd grow up to be the guy who gets in duels?

Quote #8

[…] My sight fails me!—Your voices only—(for we both applauded her Christian, her divine frame, though in accents as broken as her own); and the voice of grief is alike in all (481.15)

If religion gives Clarissa a community, her death unites everyone together one final time. She's literally created her own family. Of ghosts. 

Quote #9

Bless—bless—bless—you all—and now—and now—(holding up her almost lifeless hands for the last time)—come—Oh come—blessed Lord—JESUS! (481.19)

Clarissa's death scene is about as religious as they come. What do you think about the fact that she blesses everyone right before dying? We'd say it's a little Jesus-like—but that's just us.