Clarissa Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Here, people cannot be happy by themselves, but they must involve their friends and acquaintance, whose discretion has kept them clear of their own errors […] (296.4)

Mrs. Howe thinks Clarissa is a sinking ship, and she's taking down everyone with her. Pardon the pun, but that's a Titanic mistake.

Quote #8

She says that the good of society requires that such a beast of prey should be hunted out of it; and if you do not prosecute him, she thinks you will be answerable for all the mischiefs he may do in the course of his future villainous life (317.5)

Clarissa's in a bit of a pickle. If she prosecutes Lovelace for his crime, her story will be broadcast even further than it already is. Then again, Mrs. Howe seems to have a point. If they can get Lovelace off the streets, then maybe he won't hurt another woman.

Quote #9

She may—how can I speak it, and my once darling daughter unmarried!—She may be with child! This would perpetuate her stain (376.3)

Clarissa's so-called indiscretion has already majorly impacted the family's social position. If she's knocked up, they fall even further. Luckily, she does the only thing she can do to fix the situation and dies. WHEW.