Dancing on the Edge Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

Gigi jumped back in, accusing Aunt Casey of knowing about the lessons and yelling at Granddaddy Opal about their arrangement, and Miss Emmaline had a few loud words to say to Uncle Toole so that everyone was talking at once and no one was hearing anything. (10.61)

Everyone talking and no one listening—that pretty much sums up life with the McCloys, doesn't it? No wonder everyone has so many problems communicating.

Quote #8

"I know it's… weird… you know, talking to a stranger and all. I mean, no one in the family's ever done that—talked about problems with a stranger, I don't think. We don't even talk to each other… really… so talking with a stranger… I know, it's weird." (19.2)

Aunt Casey's decision to pursue a degree in psychology is what ultimately leads her out of the demented fantasy world of her sister's family and makes her want to help Miracle. Realizing that the family doesn't even talk to each other is a big step toward accomplishing this.

Quote #9

"But Miracle—" Aunt Casey glanced at my shoulders—"this family's got too many secrets. We need help sorting it all out, the secrets, and…and problems." (19.3)

What was that we said earlier about secrets wrecking a family? Aunt Casey's realization that the family needs to communicate openly about the lies they've been telling each other demonstrates her desire to move them all past the secret world they've created and build a better one for Miracle.