Dancing on the Edge Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

Then, in a loud quivering voice she said, "The winds of change are blowing." Her arms swayed above her. "The stars are realigning. You must be ready. Great things are about to happen to us all!" (7.3)

Why does this description make us think Gigi would make a fantastic televangelist? Perhaps now that the whole situation with Miracle is resolved, she can found her very own television network for all things occult. Then again, we kind of hope she's gone ahead and given up her alleged magic altogether.

Quote #8

I imagined myself melting into the floor and then deeper, into the earth, deeper still, below the earth, beyond the earth. Then where? Where did Dane go then? There's where I always got stuck. I could never imagine what lay beyond the earth. All I knew was Gigi's world of spirits and spirit guides, and they were all people who had died and were caught in the ether world. But Dane wasn't dead, so he wasn't with the spirits. What else lay beyond the earth? (9.2)

Gigi's yarn about Dane melting is just as dangerous as her tales about Sissy being in the spirit world, if not more. Because Dane is technically not dead (that we know of), he doesn't apply to the spirit world theory, which only adds more confusion to Miracle's comprehension of all this. Really, Gigi's weird theories break down pretty easily in the absence of any coherent rules or evidence.

Quote #9

Aunt Casey, straining under the weight of his arms flung around her, pointed toward the sky. "Can't you see we got bigger problems than you to worry about right now?" she said. "Now, pull yourself together and help Opal out. I swear, of all the times to have some kind of conversion experience." (11.6)

The idea of Uncle Toole having a conversion experience is totally laughable. We want to believe that staring death in the face in the form of the tornado would change his ways, but it's almost like we intuitively know that Toole's not a guy capable of serious self-reflection. Sure enough, he returns to his lackadaisical ways—and his girlfriend—once things get back to normal.