Dandelion Wine Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"School busses!" Charlie walked to the curb. "Won't even give us a chance to be late to school. Come get you at your front door. Never be late again in all our lives. Think of that nightmare, Doug, just think it all over." (20.31)

What happens on the walk to the trolley stays on the walk to the trolley. 

Quote #5


… like machines, for instance, they fall apart or rust or rot, or maybe never get finished at all… or wind up in garages… (33.10)

Leo Auffmann's Happiness Machine ends up not only in the garage, but in flames. Why do you think Doug mentions the garage, but not the fact that the machine burns up?

Quote #6

Her head bent down, one hand came to rest and a shuddering shook the machine as the other hand wrote, paused, wrote, and stopped at last with a paroxysm so violent the glass in the case chimed. The witch's face bent in a rigid mechanical misery, almost fisted into a ball. (34.31)

We see the machine suffering at the hands of humans here, rather than humans suffering at the hands of machines. An interesting twist…