Death Comes for the Archbishop Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

For many years Duty separated us, but death has brought us together. (9.1.1)

Ever since hearing of the death of his friend, Father Vaillant, Father Latour has felt a closer connection to the guy. When they were alive, duty had forced Vaillant to move far away from Latour. But Latour writes that he feels the presence of Vaillant's spirit once Vaillant has died. Maybe this is something he's just telling himself because he knows he'll die soon, or maybe he truly does have faith that he'll see everyone he loves in his afterlife.

Quote #5

The time is not distant when I shall join him. (9.1.1)

Father Latour knows that his time is fast approaching. He's not bitter about it because he has lived a long and good life. The only thing that could make him bitter would be the thought that he had wasted his life. But he doesn't feel this way at all.

Quote #6

"I shall not die of a cold, my son. I shall die of having lived." (9.2.6)

Latour isn't worried about dying of a cold. If anything, he knows he'll die from having lived a full life. But in that case, he's more than happy to accept the coming of death.