Death Comes for the Archbishop Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The next morning Father Latour wakened with a grateful sense of nearness to his Cathedral—which would also be his tomb. (9.3.1)

Of all his accomplishments, Father Latour is proudest of the Cathedral that he got built in Santa Fe. He's so proud of the thing that he plans to be buried in it once he's passed away. This thought gives him a lot of comfort in the final weeks of his life.

Quote #8

[He] did not know just when [the New Mexico air] had became so necessary to him, but he had come back to die in exile for the sake of it. (9.3.8)

After a few decades, the air of New Mexico has become a necessary part of Father Latour's life. It's become so important to him that he has left behind a cushy life in Europe for the sake of breathing this air and spreading Catholicism through North America. There are no illusions in his mind about the fact that his life will end on New Mexico soil. But he's totally content in knowing it.

Quote #9

During those last weeks of the Bishop's life he thought very little about death; it was the Past he was leaving. The future would take care of itself. (9.6.1)

Father Latour doesn't think all that much about death in the final years of his life. Instead, he looks back on the past and takes comfort in all of the great memories he's been able to make in his life.