Death in the Woods Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

All the Grimes dogs did it at some time during the evening [...] I knew all about it afterward [...] because once in a woods in Illinois, on another Winter night, I saw a pack of dogs act just like that (3.15)

For the first time, we realize that the narrator is using his own experiences and memories to fill in the blanks of Mrs. Grimes' story. Naturally, this raises a lot of questions, but we'll have to wait and see before making any judgments.

Quote #5

Such things happened in town of the Middle West, on farms near town, when I was a boy. (4.4)

Now we see that Mrs. Grimes' story is just one of many. The most likely scenario—to us, at least—is that "Death in the Woods" is the result of the mashing together of several of these stories. Kids, this is what mash-ups looked like before the Internet.

Quote #6

Well, we would have something to tell. A boy did not get such a chance very often (4.12)

This is a big moment in the life of a young writer. In time, this memory will bloom into something larger than he had ever imagined.