Death in the Woods Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When she was found, a day or two later, the dress had been torn from her body clear to the hips, but the dogs had not touched her body. (4.3)

Mrs. Grimes is left naked and exposed after her death. She has literally given all that she has for the sake of others, and now she's left with nothing but her own self.

Quote #8

Her body was frozen stiff when it was found, and the shoulders were so narrow and the body so slight that in death it looked like the body of some charming young girl (4.3)

Remember: the narrator has already told us that Mrs. Grimes is only around forty, though she looks way older. After her death, the stress that caused that premature aging simply evaporates.

Quote #9

As a matter of fact, the hunter had not looked closely at the body. He had been frightened. She might have been murdered and some one might spring out from behind a tree and murder him. (4.9)

What a tough guy. Although the townsfolk act super manly, they're just as shaken up as the narrator and his brother—two children. But death has a way of making children out of all of us.