How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Hana has been morphing into a stranger. (8.41)
Hana is totally open and honest with Lena about how she feels—she likes music and boys. And she's not ashamed of it. But since this all that stuff scares Lena, Lena sees Hana's forthrightness as a betrayal.
Quote #2
Everyone you trust, everyone you think you can count on, will eventually disappoint you. (8.43)
Dang, talk about trust issues. Lena's mother's suicide (and her government's creepy totalitarianism) has left her unable to trust people. She always expects the worst.
Quote #3
I see that Hana is a snake—has been waiting a long time to say this to me. (8.81)
Lena's gone a little bit off the deep end with this. None of her friends have ever done her wrong, so it's strange that she's so angry at Hana for being frank with Lena about her mom. Maybe this is the deliria talking...