How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"We've never met. I'm sure I would remember." (5.103)
Alex is pretty good at lying too. He even turns this lie into a flirtatious comment. Very suave there, bro.
Quote #8
I never knew I could lie to my aunt—I never knew I could lie, period. (6.77)
All that subtle deceit Lena thinks she's so good at has evolved into out-and-out lying. What do you think prompted the change? Is it the deliria?
Quote #9
"Smoke and mirrors, all of it," Alex says, waving his hand vaguely. I assume he means Portland, the laws, maybe all of the USA. (16.34)
The fact that 99.9% of Portland's citizens obey the rules without question is kind of magical. Alex's comparison of this rule-abiding to smoke and mirrors reinforces that feeling of magic. The thing is, once citizens know how the trick of fear-mongering is done, the illusion isn't as strong. Once Lena starts to question the lies her government has told her about the Wilds, about love, and more, they quickly fall apart.