How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Many people are afraid of the procedure. Some people even resist. But I'm not afraid. I can't wait. (1.2)
This is one of the first lines in the book, and it tells us a few things. Even though the love cure has been around for a while, some people don't blindly give into it. Lena, however, is one of the dull sheep that is ready to be led wherever the government wants her to go.
Quote #2
"Every choice is limited," I snap. "That's life." (3.50)
Lena is totally fine with all of the regulations the government has imposed upon her life. No choices? No problem. Her middle name might as well be Doormat.
Quote #3
I'm glad the choice is made for us. I'm glad I don't have to choose—but more than that, I'm glad I don't have to make someone else choose me. (4.10)
This line illustrates why some people just sit back and let their rights be taken away: it's easy to do nothing. And people love easy. This line also illustrates Lena's biggest enemy in Delirium: herself. If Lena got some self-esteem, she might be in a better place to make decisions about her future. Just saying.