Dirty Dancing Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Dirty Dancing.

Quote #4

PENNY: Go back to your playpen, Baby.

Here's the moment where Baby minds being called Baby. Her nickname and her innocence are turned against her as an insult by Penny. Who asked for your two cents, Penny?

Quote #5

BABY: Daddy, I'm sorry. I never meant to lie to you.

JAKE: You're not the person I thought you were, Baby. I'm not sure who you are.

Baby's Dad has his own conflict when he must come to terms with his little girl growing up. He thinks she's making bad decisions, but soon he'll see that she's more like him than he initially thought. Maybe he was called Baby back in the day?

Quote #6

BABY: Dance with me.

Some movies are about situations forcing their protagonists to grow up before they are ready. Not Baby. She chooses to grow up by asking Johnny to "dance" with her. She knows what she's asking him.