Dirty Dancing Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Dirty Dancing.

Quote #7

JOHNNY: Frances, that's a real grown-up name.

Baby says she was named for the first woman in the cabinet, Frances Perkins, the Secretary of Labor under Franklin D. Roosevelt. She also graduated from Mount Holyoke, where Baby plans to attend. Do you think Baby will go by Frances from now on, or will we someday see President Baby Houseman?

Quote #8

LISA: I've decided to go all the way with Robbie.

BABY: Lisa, no, not with somebody like him. […] It's just wrong this way. It should be with someone… it should be with someone that… that you sort of love.

Baby's response says a lot about how much she's matured. She's giving her big sister wise advice, but she's also being realistic. Note the "sort of" she adds before love. Baby isn't expecting an ideal situation.

Quote #9

JAKE: You looked wonderful out there.

Jake realizes that Baby has gone from baby to young woman when she does the dance at the end of the movie. It's a loss of innocence for him, in a way too. And he chooses to accept it with the same grace that Baby does. He knows that even as she grows up, he'll still be Baby's Daddy. Although he should never use the phrase "Baby's Daddy."