Dr. No Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Dr. No.

Quote #4

M: Maybe not, but it jammed on your last job and you spent six months in hospital in consequence. You carry a double-O number; means you're licensed to kill, not get killed. And another thing. Since I've been head of Ml6, there's been a 40% drop in double-O operative casualties, and I want it to stay that way. You'll carry the Walther. Unless of course you plan to go back to standard intelligence duties.

M appears to care for Bond's safety, but it appears the real reason is because he wants to maintain his low casualty statistics in the department. M might be competing for least-deadly tenure at MI6. We'll see how that goes.

Quote #5

LEITER: I spotted you at the airport, but...when I saw you drive off with the opposition, I figured I must be wrong.

Leiter tests Bond before he can trust him, and for the first half of the movie, Leiter has the upper hand. He's on his home turf, and he has the locals on his side. If Bond were a bad guy, he'd be defeated easily.

Quote #6

BOND: I can assure you my intentions are strictly honorable.

Once again we see Bond playing the innocent flirt with a hot young woman. We have to wonder how this would pan out if he and Honey didn't find themselves in a life-or-death situation.