Dr. No Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Dr. No.

Quote #7

GUARD: Okay, folks. Come out and you won't get hurt.

Here we see a guard trying to engage Bond in a battle of wits. The guard may be armed with a huge machine gun, but he's severely lacking in the brain cell department. Bond isn't going to fall for it.

Quote #8

DR. NO: A unique feat of engineering, if I may say so. I designed it myself. The glass is convex, ten inches thick, which accounts for the magnifying effect.

BOND: Minnows pretending they're whales. Just like you on this island, Dr. No.

DR. NO: It depends, Mr. Bond, on which side of the glass you are.

Dr. No flaunts his wealth and engineering ingenuity. Is he trying to impress Bond? Whatever he's doing, it isn't working. Bond shoots him down fast, but No proves he's a quick wit with a fast comeback.

Quote #9

DR. NO: I only gratify your curiosity because you're the one man I've met capable of appreciating what I've done and keeping it to himself.

Like Leiter, No appears to have been testing Bond all this time, too. No also likes what he sees and wants Bond to join him. To compete with the world, you have to have the best on your team.