Jamie's Manual Truck

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

Is Park ever going to learn to drive his dad's manual transmission truck? That's the burning question at Park's house, where Park's on the verge of earning his driver's license for months. Why all the focus on the stick shift? His dad's always concerned with teaching his sons all the stereotypical "manly" stuff—so in the Sheridan house, learning to drive stick is a symbol for becoming a man. Since Park's really not much of a traditional guy by Sheridan standards, though, he's not exactly eager to gain this skill.

Park does learn to drive stick eventually, though, and when he does, he's able to take the trust to drive Eleanor to the safety of her uncle's house. So though he's resisted this symbol of manhood by his dad's standard, ultimately it becomes a symbol of manhood for Park anyway. Stick shift: Making men out of boys whether they love sports of punk rock.