How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
It so happened that in the eleventh year of a long-past century, the Chosen People (us) were sent forth from Egypt under the guidance of our then wise leader, Moses. There was no time for bread to rise in the haste of escape, and the Lord our God […] would not want an imperfect bread. […] But the Chosen People were very hungry, and we took our chances with some good yeast. […] It is because of this sin of our ancestors that one member of our shtetl has been killed in the flour mill every year since its founding in 1713. (24.18)
Yikes. This little legend treads the fine line between religion and mythology. The craziest thing about it is that it's true—at least, the death part. This "curse" is a fundamental part of this community's particular religious beliefs.
Quote #8
The end of the world has come often, and continues to often come. (24.105)
The Messiah (or whatever you want to call it) is supposed to return when the world ends. But if the world ends over and over (like it did during the Holocaust) and the Messiah didn't come… did the Lord ever exist at all?