When authors refer to other great works, people, and events, it’s usually not accidental. Put on your super-sleuth hat and figure out why.
Folklore/Mythology References
- Brownies (5.160, 7.88)
- Demons (6.128, 15.90, 15.111, 18.82)
- Fairies (5.95, 5.99, 5.118, 6.135, 7.135)
- Gargoyles (18.59)
- Goblins (10.138)
- Golems (9.104, 9.106)
- Greek gods (7.112)
- Imps (8.92, 8.130, 16.35)
- Naiads (5.132, 6.17, 6.28)
- Ogres (11.217)
- Satyrs (7.40, 11.207, 15.43)
- Trolls (13.212, 14.31, 14.108)
- Witches (5.181, 8.148)