Fablehaven Analysis

Literary Devices in Fablehaven

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


The book is called Fablehaven, and it's set in a hidden preserve for magical creatures… that's also called Fablehaven. Sounds pretty simple, right? Actually, dear Watson, there are many levels to...

Narrator Point of View

Someone we don't know and who plays no part in the book narrates the story for us, but we still spend a lot of Fablehaven inside Kendra's head since our narrator can peek inside it whenever they wa...


Hang on, let's go through our young adult literature checklist: young protagonists? Check (Seth's eleven and Kendra's almost fourteen). Scary/exciting stuff but not totally grim/depressing? Check....


It turns out that a place full of magical creatures is actually an awesome sight to behold. At least, that's what the tone of Fablehaven conveys once Kendra and Seth are able to see the magic all a...

Writing Style

In Fablehaven we get some descriptive writing that both accurately tries to convey what's going on, and also tries to spice things up with a bit of character. Worry not—we'll give you some exampl...

What's Up With the Title?

Fablehaven is the name of the book, and Fablehaven is the name of the magical preserve where most of the action happens. Coincidence? We think not.Let's start by breaking down the word: the fable p...

What's Up With the Ending?

At the very-very end of Fablehaven, Kendra and Seth's parents return from their cruise looking like over-stuffed turkeys, and they all go home together.Let's hit the pause button and go in a little...


Want to visit a place where magic creatures live in secret? Sure, sign us up. This idea is not terribly hard to grasp, and the fact that the main characters are kids (eleven and almost-fourteen yea...

Plot Analysis

Fairies and Witches and Golems, Oh My!Kendra and Seth learn that their grandparents are caretakers of a preserve for magic critters called Fablehaven. This is pretty cool… but also dangerous. Fol...


The very first publisher who saw Fablehaven published it. That's pretty rare, yo. (Source.) Reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and The Lord of the Rings turned Brandon Mull into a fantas...

Steaminess Rating

There's not much in the way of romance in this book—and the only kissing that happens is when fairies use kisses as vehicles for spells. There are occasional instances of nudity, like when someon...


Brownies (5.160, 7.88)Demons (6.128, 15.90, 15.111, 18.82)Fairies (5.95, 5.99, 5.118, 6.135, 7.135)Gargoyles (18.59)Goblins (10.138)Golems (9.104, 9.106)Greek gods (7.112)Imps (8.92, 8.130, 16.35)N...