Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Fablehaven.
Rules and Order Quotes
"Just respect the rules and we'll get along fine." (2.15)
Family Quotes
Her parents were leaving on a seventeen-day Scandinavian cruise with all the aunts and uncles on her mother's side. (1.11)
The Supernatural Quotes
There was no way she was really seeing this, right? There had to be an explanation. But the fairies were everywhere, near and far, shimmering in vivid colors. How could she deny what was before her...
Transformation Quotes
Seth resurfaced at the edge of the pool and threw his arms up onto the flagstones, trying to drag himself out of the water. Kendra stooped to assist him but shrieked instead. One arm was broad, fla...
Courage Quotes
"Very well, my arrogant young adventurer. Why not test your courage? Every explorer deserves a chance to prove his mettle." (3.50)
Good vs. Evil Quotes
Grandpa became very serious. "None of these creatures are good. Not the way we think of good. None are safe. Much of morality is peculiar to mortality. The best creatures here are merely not evil."...
Appearances Quotes
Why would Grandpa Sorenson keep a place like this a secret? It was magnificent! Why go through all the trouble of maintaining it if not to enjoy it? Hundreds of people could gather here with room t...
Memory and the Past Quotes
The memory of the funeral made Kendra shiver […] The Larsens were the grandparents who had been part of her life. They had shared many holidays and long visits. (1.27)