Fangirl Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

"He's just a guy," Reagan said. "Of course he's different from you. You're never going to find a guy who's exactly like you—first of all, because that guy never leaves his dorm room…" (16.61)

The Internet: bridging that gap since about 1994.

Quote #8

"I'm crazy like him." She was already having panic attacks. She was already hiding at parties. In seventh grade, she'd been late to class for the first two weeks because she couldn't stand being in the halls with everyone else during passing periods. "It's probably going to get worse in a few years. That's when it usually kicks in." (19.123)

It could be that part of the reason Cath's such a loner is a sort of constant vigilance about developing a mental illness. Waiting for bipolar disorder to hit is her version of waiting for nuclear war.

Quote #9

"It's just… everything. There are too many people. And I don't fit in. I don't know how to be." (21.49)

What exactly does "be" mean here? Does it mean relax? Express a personality? Display a sense of self? All of the above?