Fangirl Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

"It's anti-everything you usually find in a love story. Gooey eyes and 'you complete me.'"

"'You complete me' is a great line," Cath said. "You wish you came up with 'you complete me.'" (17.56-57)

Nick wishes he came up with a lot of things—as a writer, he's all ego and no voice.

Quote #5

And she'd see Levi again. And everything about that that would feel good—his smiling face, his long lines—would also feel like getting shot in the stomach. (22.12)

Scientists who scanned the brains of people who were madly in love saw the same active circuitry involved in fear and anxiety. Love actually can make you feel physically ill.

Quote #6

Levi strolled over to her bed and sat down in the middle. "You look so blindingly cute right now, I feel like I need to make a pinhole in a piece of paper just to look at you." (27.85)

Levi veers into Clever John Green Dream Guy voice at times, but hey, John Green Dream Guys are adorable, and all farm boys in Carhartts should all be so poetic. (Professor Piper would ask us if this is why we read fiction.)