Fangirl Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

Cath exhaled. Then inhaled. Her chest was so tight, it hurt both ways. Levi shouldn't get to make her feel this way—he shouldn't even have access to her chest. (15.45)

There are a lot of references to love feeling like stomach and chest pain in Fangirl, but this one has an alternate meaning. This kind of wordplay, in which a phrase has both an overt and covert meaning (often a sexy one), is called a double entendre. Now go impress your friends with your fancy French words.

Quote #5

"He's different," Cath said. "He's older. He smokes. And he drinks. And he's probably had sex. I mean, he looks like he has." (16.56)

What does a guy who's had sex look like? Or a girl, for that matter? It must be more than the absence of a Simon Snow tee-shirt.

Quote #6

Levi was an adult. He had a truck. And facial hair. And he'd slept with Reagan; she'd practically admitted it. (16.97)

The marks of adulthood: a vehicle, a beard, and an implied past sexual experience. We promise there's more to it than that.