Feathers Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

Jesus Boy stood there. He had a long red string of licorice wrapped around his finger. "Why do you want to fight me, Trevor?" he said, then put the licorice in his mouth and chewed slowly, not taking his eyes off of him. "Is it because I have a daddy? And you don't?" (14.33)

Oh, snap. Jesus Boy knows to hit Trevor where it hurts—by bringing up his family issues. He knows that bringing up Trevor's daddy is a surefire way to make him feel awful and small.

Quote #8

"Girl, you must have lost your mind," Mama said. "If you don't get back out there and take off those boots, you better! And get some paper towels and wipe up that trail you trying to leave through my house."

I smiled, hugged her, and went back down the hall. (17.2-3)

Well, that's probably the only time that a kid has ever been happy to be scolded by her mother… Frannie is just thrilled to have her mama back to normal; she doesn't care if it means that she'll have to wipe up after herself when she comes home.

Quote #9

And she's feeling good right now, I signed, glaring at Sean. That's what matters.

Sean tapped his head with his hand and made a face at me, which basically translated into I see that, stupid.

I didn't care. Mama was cooking, we were having chicken and mashed potatoes and greens… (17.34-36)

Mama being healthy, happy, and in the kitchen is enough to put Frannie in a fantastic mood. Even the usual teasing from her big brother can't burst her bubble—everything is just swell.