Feathers Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

Mama stayed in the hospital for a long time after the not-thriving baby died. And the whole time she was in there, it felt like our family was holding its breath. Then, when the doctors said she was okay, we all started breathing again. But Mama came home quiet and sad and for a long time, that's how she stayed. (7.11)

Frannie has good reason for being worried about her mama. Things haven't gone so well in the past with her mama's pregnancies—she's lost one baby in utero, and one a month after it was born. Those are traumatizing events for any family.

Quote #5

She's supposed to be all better, I signed, slinking down against the wall. I felt like I was eight years old again, scared and mad at Mama for not being Mama. She had said she was all better.

Sean smiled and shook his head. It wasn't a big smile. Just more like a big-brother smile. (7.13-14)

Sean is worried about their mama, too, but he tries to put on a brave face. Someone has to keep Frannie from moping and falling into a spiral of despair—it won't be good for anyone in the family if she completely gives into her fears.

Quote #6

Mama stayed in bed on Saturday, only getting up to go to the bathroom and to stop me from yelling at Sean for changing the television channel in the middle of my favorite cartoons. It was almost noon when she came into the living room. There were bags under her eyes and when hse signed to Sean, her hands moved slower than usual. Sean was in a stupid mood and needed to be fighting with somebody. (9.1)

When Mama isn't doing so well physically, the whole family is on edge. Even Sean—who is usually a great big brother—gets a little snappy. Can you blame them? They're basically waiting for any news… any news at all.