Feathers Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

Most Sundays, I could find a hundred excuses not to go to church with my parents. Even Sean got up to go more than me. (6.20)

Frannie is not exactly the church-going type. Her parents are more religious, but Frannie prefers to work things out on her own; she doesn't want to be told what to feel and believe in.

Quote #5

I stood there watching her walk away. It was that she did believe that the Jesus Boy was really Jesus—it was that she could. I couldn't. No way. It was too crazy, too way out there. Too… far away for me. (6.53)

Well, that's a far-out conspiracy theory: Apparently, Samantha thinks that Jesus Boy is the actual Jesus. Now she's on some faith-based quest to prove it, and Frannie finds the whole thing highly improbable. But what does she know? She's bad at the whole religion thing.

Quote #6

I wanted powers like that. If I could walk through the world and just touch people and lift their pains right out of their bodies, I'd never stop walking. (9.22)

Just because Frannie isn't religious doesn't mean that she isn't a good person. One of her goals in life is to walk around the world and take away people's pain. This is a girl who's made for the Peace Corps.