Feathers Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

The minute I saw him falling, I went toward him. It was automatic. Something inside of me just said, "Go!" And I did. Because Trevor was falling and then he was in the snow. And in the snow, he looked smaller and weaker and more human than any of us. (14.56)

Frannie would never help the monstrous version of Trevor, but when she sees him lying there in the snow, she really sees him. For once, he's not scary—he's just a kid who is crying and needs help.

Quote #8

Jesus had seen something other kids hadn't seen. Not because they couldn't. Because their hearts were kinder. But the Jesus Boy had gone right to the soft hurting spot in Trevor. And he'd peeled the skin of that hurting back to show us all the scar that was there. (15.21)

Jesus Boy immediately recognizes that Trevor isn't some scary dude to be reckoned with; he has a soft spot. He uses that knowledge for evil when he tells Trevor that he doesn't have a daddy around.

Quote #9

And all the other kids had seen it. Had seen the way Trevor fell. Had seen the tears. Had seen, in that quick, quick moment, how small we all could be. (15.25)

Trevor falling down isn't just a game changing moment for him—it's one for the other kids, too. He was always the unbreakable, unbeatable kid in their class, and now he's vulnerable and weak. That's a lot for them to wrap their minds around.