The First Part Last Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She leans against me again. "I don't want to do it."

"Do what, Nia?"

"I don't want to be anybody's mother. I'm not done with being a kid myself. I'm way too young and so are you."

"No choice now." (20.32-35)

Even though Bobby says there's no choice, what does he really think? Do Nia and Bobby have a choice in assuming the responsibility of a child? What makes you say this?

Quote #8

I'm freakin' and in shock when everybody says I should be relieved and throwing a party. The hard part is that they're right and I should be happy. Right? (22.26)

This is a lot of convincing Bobby has to do for himself. He's agreed to give the baby up for adoption, but it's pretty clear that he's not happy about it. Think on this for a minute. What might prevent him from rejoicing at skirting the responsibility of a child?

Quote #9

I told her about you and how you were mine, not the smiling, happy people's baby; 'cause now that she was gone I wouldn't sign the papers. (28.14)

Bobby decides to take the full responsibility for his daughter. Is this the right thing to do? Why not give her up? Having read much of what his life is like in the now chapters, was Bobby prepared for the responsibilities of parenthood?