The First Part Last Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I climb the stairs and think about holding her, or maybe I'm really thinking about just holding on to her. (17.45)

After Bobby is arrested for vandalism and comes home to his mom and Feather, he realizes that Feather is anchoring him to adulthood. Yes, she's a responsibility, but Bobby thinks that he's becoming a better person because of her hold on him.

Quote #5

He moved there to be close to his kids after he divorced his wife, Melanie.

He says, "I never thought I could live in a small town." (21.40-41)

Paul, Bobby's brother, moved to Heaven, Ohio and is pretty happy there. He, like Bobby, grew up in New York City, but he was willing to make a drastic change because of his love for his children. The question is, what sort of changes will Bobby make for Feather?

Quote #6

I say it like I've known it forever, only now it's so clear and I can say it: "I've never been closer to or loved anybody more than I love Feather." (21.51)

Love makes us vulnerable, and it's hard to share these intimacies with others. We should think about what prevents Bobby from saying this in the first place and what exactly causes him to articulate it now.