How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Quote #4
GUSTAVE: I give you my word, if you lay a finger on this man, I'll see you dishonorably discharged, locked up in the stockade and hanged by sundown.
Gustave is loyal even to a fault. This attempt at once again rescuing Zero from the authorities is what leads to him being shot.
Quote #5
MADAME D: Will you light a candle for me, please? In the sacristy of Santa Maria?
GUSTAVE: I'll see to it myself immediately. Remember, I'm always with you.
MADAME D.: I love you.
GUSTAVE: I love you. [She drives off.] It's quite a thing winning the loyalty of a woman like that for nineteen consecutive seasons.
There so much happening here. On the one hand we know that Gustave really does care for Madame D. (and it's obvious she cares for him). But on the other hand, Gustave doesn't deliver on the whole "see to it myself immediately" part when he delegates the task to Zero a moment later. Further, "winning the loyalty of a woman like that for nineteen consecutive seasons" sounds more like a business strategy then genuine affection.
Quote #6
MR. MUSTAFA: She left everything to Monsieur Gustave, of course. The mansion, known as Schloss Lutz, the factories, which produced weapons, medicine and textiles, an important newspaper syndicate, and, perhaps you've already deduced, this very institution, the Grand Budapest Hotel.
Madame D.'s second will shows not only how loyal she was to her dear friend and lover, but that Gustave's loyalty to her has paid off more than he could have ever imagined. He started hoping for a few Klubecks and was ecstatic when he got Boy with Apple. This inheritance is on a whole other level.