How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I'm coming too," Arthur declared. "Fish and Egg and Shoe and Titus are my friends." (16.118)
Arthur has come a long way, from being all emo and declaring that he doesn't have any friends, to saying that he's going on a potentially dangerous rescue mission to get his friends back from their kidnapping. Seems like a great tribute to the power of friendship if you ask us.
Quote #8
In the cell Arthur listened as Grandfather tried to jolt Herbert's memory. "Herbert, do you remember playing with me when we were boys?" (39.1)
Apparently Grandfather and Herbert used to be good friends when they were young. Based on Grandfather's stories, they used to get into all kinds of trouble while going on adventures and creating bizarre science experiments. That's what friends are for, right?
Quote #9
"Well, I can tell you… the size goes directly into a very special friend of mine, and as he gets bigger, he becomes more and more unstoppable!" Snatcher's good eye was nearly bulging in his excitement. (44.27)
This is one of the few times Snatcher refers to someone as his friend. In this case, the someone is an elephant-sized rat with anger management problems. We're not sure if we are more worried about Snatcher's character judgment, or if we just feel bad for him for not really having any friends.