How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"But why do you live underground?" Willbury asked in a puzzled voice. Arthur paused for a few moments.
"I'm… I'm not really sure. Grandfather always tells me he'll explain when I'm older." (5.51-52)
Grandfather's past is so mysterious that he doesn't even know why he lives where he does. Of course, this may have to do with how Grandfather has been accused of a crime he didn't commit, as we find out later in the story.
Quote #2
"This business with the cheese hunting? It's been illegal for years now. In the old days it was the Cheese Guild that did the hunting, but the Guild was said to have died out when the trade was banned." (10.22)
Here we get a glimpse into Ratbridge's past. The Cheese Guild used to be super-powerful, apparently, but that all went down the drain when the pollution ruined the industry. In theory the Guild petered out and no longer exists… but now Arthur and his friends have found evidence to the contrary. What's that saying about history repeating itself?