Here Be Monsters! An Adventure Involving Magic, Trolls, and Other Creatures; The Ratbridge Chronicles Volume 1 Themes
You know the Toy Story theme "You've Got a Friend in Me"? Well, it totally describes Arthur's friendships in Here Be Monsters! When Arthur gets trapped aboveground in the town of Ratbridge, he read...
Technology and Modernization
Seeing as one of the main characters in Here Be Monsters! is an inventor, and the villain's evil plot revolves around using stolen technology to grow a rat to the size of an elephant to take over t...
Memory and the Past
Is there anyone in Here Be Monsters! who doesn't have a mysterious or significant past?! Let's run down the roster, starting with Grandfather, who has never told Arthur exactly why they must live u...
Rules and Order
The conflicts between rules-followers and rules-breakers generate a lot of the plot twists in Here Be Monsters! Pirates versus police… Cheese Guild minions versus the lawyer… kleptomaniac boxtr...
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? If we're talking about folks in Ratbridge, the answer is none. While Arthur is a cute kid and all, many of the other characters are true...
Do boxtrolls and cabbageheads have families? We're not quite sure, but a lot of the other characters in Here Be Monsters! do. Humans like Arthur, Grandfather, the Trouts, and Snatcher all come from...
Manipulation makes the world go round, for better or for worse, and this is especially true in Ratbridge. First, there's the bizarre political landscape of the resurrected Cheese Guild. Snatcher do...
Who's the bravest of the brave in Here Be Monsters!? Our money's on Arthur, since this kid will face down all sorts of scary stuff, either out of curiosity or because he wants to help make things b...