How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"That's why everything went green. They must have had some more Oil of Brussels and smothered me with it. That's why me memory is so bad!" Herbert fumed. (39.58)
This is where Herbert makes the connection with past events and his memory loss: It's not just that he's always had a bad memory, it's that Snatcher poisoned him with a potent plant-derived oil that can cause permanent memory loss and other trauma. Poor Herbert. At least his memory seems to be slowly coming back.
Quote #8
"Yes, my brothers! We shall use our leviathan to overthrow those that have held us down for so long! First we shall remove their government, then destroy their banks, smash their factories, and return Ratbridge to follow an open free trade in cheesy products!" (48.22)
Here Snatcher elaborates on his evil plan to right the wrongs of the past. It's interesting to notice where he places the blame for things having gone south for Ratbridge's cheese industry. Apparently it was everyone else's fault (the government, the banks, and so on) that the cheese industry had to be shut down, and it didn't have anything to do with the cheese industry selling poisoned cheese. Convenient.
Quote #9
"Do you remember a case many years ago where a man was poisoned with Oil of Brussels in a local hostelry?" Willbury questioned the Chief Squeaker. (53.33)
Willbury is all about righting past wrongs, and this is exactly what he sets out to do by asking the local police chief if he remembers that poisoning case from oh so long ago. Now that Herbert has been found and freed, they have another witness in the case, which should help clear Grandfather's name and instead pin the blame where it truly belongs: on Snatcher.