Herzog Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Delighted, Moses began to grin. His face wrinkled tenderly at the thought of his children. How well kids understand what love is! (2.159)

Moses admires children for knowing how to love much better than adults do. Children have a dependent love on their parents when they (children) are very young. But as they get older and more independent, they lose this innocence and start thinking more strategically about who they do or don't love.

Quote #5

"You and she—it's no secret from anybody—are the two people I love most." (2.215)

Val Gersbach has no trouble telling Herzog that he loves him even as he (Val) has an affair with Madeleine. It's tough to interpret this sentence once we know what's going on. Is it possible for Val to love Herzog even while betraying him so badly? You be the judge.

Quote #6

And you fell in love with her yourself, didn't you? Just as she planned. She wanted you to help her dump me. (2.251)

Herzog knows how manipulative Madeleine can be. He even suspects that she got Herzog's psychiatrist, Dr. Edvig, to fall in love with her so he could then persuade Herzog to accept a clean divorce.